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How I figure out the questions I want to ask during a job interview.

Here’s a quick, 3-step process for design leaders to figure out the questions to ask during a job interview.

Over my career, I’ve had great roles and I’ve had not-so-great roles. Unfortunately, I've been burned too many times by not asking enough probing questions about a role that I later wished I has asked.

Fundamentally, I want to know who will be responsible and accountable for defining the things in a job description, how mature the company is in that journey, and if I will be the person who has decision rights around hiring and prioritizing to meet those things.

Here’s a quick, 3-step process to figure out the questions I want to ask a potential employer about a role.

Highlighting all the “perceived value” words
Highlighting all the “perceived value” words

Step 1
Rather than look at all the bullet list stuff, I copy the summary of the description and paste it into a document.

Step 2
Once I have the description in my new document, I highlight all the "perceived value" words and phrases. These are the words that seem super vital, but are concepts that need a lot of clarification to understand or are difficult to calculate.

Example "perceived value" phrases are:

Jot down curious questions with a historian hat on.
Jot down curious questions with a historian hat on.

Step 3
My last step is to look at those highlighted phrases and jot down questions I'd need answers to if I'm to perform my job well.

I want to try and find out how this stuff is going right now, in order to understand how I'll be expected to help. These “perceived value” areas are the spaces I want to investigate further and look for any hints of innovation theatre, politics, toxic culture, or other factors that may be unhealthy to my mental state.

The benefits of this technique

Generally speaking, I'm tired of trying to fight to do the job I've been hired to do. By highlighting the “perceived value” words, I can focus in on the questions I really want to ask and frame them in a way that isn’t confrontational, but curious. It helps me gauge whether or not the role is a good fit for me.

Here are some of the questions I’ve used in the past:

Look for common definitions that don’t require “buy-in”
Look for common definitions that don’t require “buy-in”

When really fuzzy phrases like "best-in-class" show up, these are like bat signals for me. I really want to know if that's already defined.

I also want to know more about the skills and capabilities across the team and partners.

Perhaps most importantly, I want to know about people, teams, and culture already in place and whether or not motivation and morale are issues. Multiple times, I’ve taken a role only to find out that members of the team have been on multiple performance improvement plans, have been demoted, have lost responsibilities, or have lost the trust of team members. That’s a really difficult way to start a role if you don’t know this stuff ahead of time.

Teams and people are the most important piece of the puzzle for me. It's really important for me to understand where teams and people are currently aligned and where they're not.

A healthy team is in a great position to learn and develop. An unhealthy team can’t get to that place until they become healthy first.

Not everyone will like this approach and that’s ok with me

Just a word of guidance. Not all companies or interviewers like it when I ask these questions. They may be worried I'll ask these types of questions if I take the job. I'm ok with that though because if they're afraid of me asking questions, that's probably not a gig I'll enjoy.

I also understand the enormous privilege I have to be in a position to ask these questions.

That’s it. That's my three step approach to find questions to ask during job interviews.

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