Articles · · 21 min read

Redefine the value of Design with The Good Partner Map (pdf)

Redefine the value of Design with The Good Partner Map (pdf)

The Good Partner Map is one of my methods for understanding and improving the value you create, deliver, and capture for your company. I designed the tool for Chief Design Officer School as part of the course .

The goal of the exercise is to gain a deeper level of understanding in how your partners perceive you and the value you provide. The Good Partner Map connects your skills, capabilities, and practices to the motivations and abilities of your colleagues. Using behavior design as the foundation, the exercise can help you better understand when your sales pitch for design is working, when it's not, and what do about it.

The exercise can be done individually, as a team, or with your cross-functional partners. I recommend completing the map as a discipline team; the design team, the PM team, etc. It pairs particularly well as a follow-up to XPLANE’s great Empath Map exercise.

You should be able to make a rough map in about 30 minutes. Even if you’re conducting the exercise by yourself, the exercise helps you identify the value you provide to your partners so you can improve.

Download The Good Partner Map for free

    I’ve released the map under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial license. You are free to use without restriction in modeling your own or other people's partnerships, but restricted for for commercial purposes.

    TLDR: Share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; Adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material; If you want to use the map in your software or sell it as a service, reach out for permission. I appreciate attribution whenever you use it.

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