A strategy school for the next wave of creative leaders and executives

When we started Second Wave Dive two years ago, we got two questions over and over. First – what is it? A school? Coach for hire? Consultancy? And second – who is it for? We’ve spent a lot of time thinking, writing, and asking questions. We’ve finally nailed it down.

Two years later, we’re sure of who we are, what our mission is, and who we’re serving.

We wanted you to be the first to know.

Introducing Chief Design Officer School—a strategy school for creative leaders and executives.

Primarily, we’ll be helping designers claim their agency, shape policy and people (not pixels), and exceed the expectations of others and yourself.

We’ve spent the last two years refining our courses and tools. From seasoned design executives at Fortune 500 companies to those just starting out, we’ve had hundreds of designers come through our core program.

All new courses

Who’s gotten the most out of our courses so far? People trying to change things for the better. We’re focused on training the next wave of design executives by giving them the tools and support to lead more effectively, equitably, sustainably, and, well, better. Claim your agency as a designer, and become the leader you wish you worked for.

Second Wave Dive supports you in becoming the leaders we need right now. We’re thrilled to be on this journey with you. Thank you for all your support!

P.S. We have undying gratitude for our content strategy partners Outline Studio. We would have never found our voice without them. If you need help with your words, they're the right partner for you.


Putting metrics in place is hard. Some hard-earned lessons to get you measuring


What developing design metrics at Apple taught me about communicating the value of Design